

表演艺术学院; Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music
专业知识: Viola; Chamber Music;
办公地点: N/A


茱莉亚音乐学院的毕业生, Associate Professor 罗伯特贝克尔 was Director of String Studies at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学’s Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music from 2006-2019.  从1982年到7月23日他最后一次演奏贝多芬第九交响曲, 2016, 他是太平洋交响乐团所有演出的首席中提琴, 旅游, 和录音. 的 James 和 Catherine Emmi Foundation underwrote his position with the Pacific Symphony Orchestra.

2016年7月, he accepted the position as President of the American String Teachers Association for the greater Los Angeles area 和 was honored to serve in that capacity until July of 2019. 相信, 亚洲合作协会的许多成员也是如此, 我们在私人工作室和课堂上的弦乐教学, 真的有能力改变生活, he is enthused about the possibility of serving CalASTA at the state level in the future as he was recently selected as President Elect of that organization.

In recent summers he has returned as guest soloist/artist to the International String 和 Piano Festival in Cremona 意大利. 在过去的几年里, he has served as adjudicator for the International Competition of that festival held in the hometown of Stradivarius.

著名的室内乐教练和弦乐教师, 他经常被邀请在ASTA大会上发表演讲, 芝加哥的中西部诊所, 工商协调会会议, NAMM展会, 举办全国和国际教学会议. He has been invited by the American String Teacher’s Association to present several lectures at its national conventions in Atlanta, GA, 路易斯维尔, KY, 盐湖城, 德克萨斯大学和堪萨斯城, KS. 话题包括:准备你的年轻中提琴手无痛演奏和无限的音乐选择,“揭开中提琴的神秘面纱” 以及有关筹款和与管弦乐委员会协调的主题.  

Serving as a string adjudicator for both ASTA competitions on the west coast 和 VOCE competitions, he is highly sought after as a judge 和 workshop presenter at all levels of string playing.  他的学生们继续在克利夫兰音乐学院读研究生, 哈特音乐学院, 新英格兰音乐学院, 旧金山音乐学院, 大米, 欧柏林, 密歇根大学, 北卡罗来纳艺术学院, 辛辛那提音乐学院, 等. 并且是全国知名的管弦乐队和室内乐乐团的成员. 他是澳门威尼斯人app下载大学的前任获得者 卓越教学奖.

作为太平洋交响乐团的首席中提琴, Professor Becker was heard as the solo violist for all visiting ballets at the Segerstrom Performing 艺术 Center for which the orchestra has performed. Those internationally known companies include ABT, the Cuba ballet, Danish ballet 和 others. 作为交响乐团首席中提琴,在音乐大师卡尔·圣. 克莱尔, 在过去的几季中,他与平查斯·祖克曼一起出现在舞台上, 安德烈·瓦茨, 马友友, 郎朗, 康拉德τ, Sarah Chang 和 has participated in the recording 和 release of new works by Phillip Glass, 威廉Bolcom, 迈克尔·多尔蒂, 弗兰克Ticheli, 理查德·丹尼尔普尔. 也是以校长的身份, 他曾担任所有中提琴座位试镜小组的主席. 在这个角色中, he was also Principal Viola for the PSO’s European tour with acclaimed performances in Munich, 卢塞恩, 法兰克福和维也纳等等. Professor Becker also served as a musician representative to the Board of Directors of the Pacific Symphony, its Investment Committee 和 the Board Affairs Committee 和 is a firm believer in musician activism at all orchestral Board of Directors levels.

室内乐一直是他表演和教学生活的重要组成部分. From serving as the assistant to Robert Mann (the founding first violin of the Juilliard String Quartet), to founding the American String Quartet 和 serving as chamber music coordinator for the Aspen Music Festival, 弦乐四重奏和其他合奏一直是他职业生涯的重点. That priority is now reflected in the curriculum of Chapman’s Hall-Musco Conservatory.  作为美国弦乐四重奏的创始成员, Professor Becker is a former winner of both the Naumberg Chamber Music Award 和 the Coleman Chamber Music Associations 1st 穿这身去拿维拉·巴斯托奖吧. His commitment to contemporary works for that medium included a series of concerts at Carnegie Hall involving the works of women 作曲家, 亚伦·科普兰的作品, 艾略特卡特, 约翰·凯奇, 伊莱恩·巴金以及其他许多人.

2010年被加州艺术橙县评选为“年度艺术家”, he is honored to continue his involvement within that talented 和 diverse community.

贝克尔教授的声音还出现在500多部电影配乐中, numerous television productions 和 diverse recordings in all musical genres from “绝望的主妇》 《威尼斯人app》 到韦恩·肖特的爵士乐唱片, 到雷·普莱斯的乡村唱片, 约翰尼·卡什, 是的, 甚至猫王, 麦当娜, 迈克尔•杰克逊, 史密斯飞船, 和保罗·麦卡特尼. 他最近的专辑包括米奇音乐地图” for Disney as well as many recordings as Principal Viola for the Disney 的me Parks internationally.

Hosting workshops on orchestral techniques for both the Orange County Youth Symphony Orchestra 和 the Pacific Symphony Youth Orchestra, recent master classes include the Pacific Symphony Youth Orchestra 和 the Las Vegas Academy of the Performing 艺术. An active string workshop presenter for visiting high schools on the Chapman campus 和 recruiting 旅游, 他做过技术方面的讲座/讲习班, 音乐才能, 和 orchestral training skills for well over 1000+ string players during the last academic year. Among those events was the Viola-Fest Irvine for several hundred elementary school age violists-an intimidating group indeed…

作为创始董事 中提琴的锻炼 Crested Butte的工作室, CO, 从2000年开始,他每年都在夏季为中提琴手举办这一活动, 小提琴家, 大提琴演奏家, 作曲家, 和钢琴家. This two-week event was started to focus on string pedagogy 和 chamber music for all strings but primarily a focus for Chapman students on pedagogy for strings in addition to outdoor activities like hiking 和 fly fishing. 这次“锻炼”有当地教师参加, 年轻的专业人士, 其他教学专业人士, 澳门威尼斯人app下载未来的学生, 现任澳门威尼斯人app下载学生, 和 has been “instrumental” in the maturation process for these talented artists 和 teachers.

贝克尔教授也是一名狂热的飞钓爱好者, 嗜酒的人, 平庸但坚持不懈的高尔夫球手, 美食家, 而且是个很慢的背包客. 他是一对双胞胎的骄傲父亲. Allison E. 贝克,基尔马诺克圣约翰的高级部长, 苏格兰, 和 Laura B Rutherford-Director of the Vocal Department at Chino Hills High School. Laura 和 husb和 Jim are the parents of the world’s best gr和son-Clayton Lyle Rutherford.


2021年7月, Professor Becker presented an international virtual master class on "Preparing for College 和 Professional Orchestra Auditions" sponsored by the International Academy of Music in Cremona, 意大利
President 和 Officers conference for the American String Teachers Association national conference in Albuquerque, 新墨西哥州2019年3月
Invited guest/artist performer for the International Music Academy in Cremona, 意大利 summer of 2019
Invited guest performer at the Museum of Stradivarius in Cremona, 意大利 summer of 2019 Works by Brahms-Piano Quintet in f minor, Piano Quartet in A Major, Clarinet Quintet in b minor